Artfi: New Era of investing in Fine Arts enabled by NFTs and Blockchain. Art for Everyone, Sculpting with Technology.

3 min readFeb 21, 2022


The Journey

The process of buying art has never been the same, it has changed over the years, it’s cost and the purpose of buying it. Even the process of buying art has changed, from visiting the gallery to using a mobile application to bid for the art.

The one important thing that hasn’t changed throughout this process is the authentication and the model of ownership.

Still, the same old tradition in which auction houses and galleries issues each on paper and give one certificate and one invoice.

By bringing it onto blockchain Artfi is going to redefine the model of ownership and blockchain technology will assure the proof of ownership, authenticity, and provenance.

What we are not going to change is the way the painting is displayed and showcased, the Artfi Foundation will display and promote every art in a more useful approach.

The Web3

In this era of Blockchain, we are going to change the way we sell and buy it. Both its value and its benefits will change in an unprecedented way.

The process of the acquisition and consignment will remain the same with us, artists and collectors can consign their art to Artfi in a few simple steps, we are just changing the way we have been selling art to date.

Rather than selling it to one person through auction or private sales, we are fractionalizing the art into 10k edition as NFTs and offering it to a wider audience so that we can take this assets class to a bigger audience and open the vaster gateways of Art and NFT collectors to invest in NFTs of Fine Arts.

The Royalties

Art collectors and artists never could sell 90% of their art and keep the rest for themselves so that they can enjoy its rising value in future. There was never royalty arrangements for artists and owners, ArtFi is now making it possible.

By Demystifying the art world and making people feel comfortable in it, Artfi is going to turn this whole feat of art for the benefit of everyone.

The Artfi

Artfi is a true amalgamation of Fine Art legacy and Blockchain Technology.

The Art and Artists:

The dream of an artist is to take his art to the masses, An artist always wants that his art reaches many people and more and more people to see his art, that’s how the concept of printmaking came into existence in Indian Fine Art when the father of Indian Art Raja Ravi Verma wanted his art to reach in masses and he set up his printing press in Mumbai in the year 1894 which was later joined by father of Indian cinema Dadasaheb Phalke.

The Museum

Experience the art you own, virtually or in the physical world!

The Artfi Foundation is a non-profit public trust which runs a physical museum dedicated to the display and preservation of the artworks owned by the Artfi community. Every artwork acquired by Artfi and sold to the community will be immediately installed at the museum and will take part in collaborative exhibitions with other distinguished museums and art galleries around the world.

The Artfi Foundation will also develop a museum in the metaverse where the Artfi collection will be virtually on display 24 hours a day, 7 days a week.

The Metaverse

The Artfi Foundation will also develop a presence in the form of a museum in the Metaverse where the collection will be accessible at all times.

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Discover, Collect & Invest in the world’s greatest artworks powered by blockchain and NFTs. Democratizing the art ownership.